
Anel Mun

My profile

My name is Anel Mun. Currently, I’m a 4th year undergraduate student in Biological Sciences at Nazarbayev University (Astana, Kazakhstan). I have a wide spectrum of interests, including biomedical technology, polymer biomedical chemistry and molecular biology. In 2016-2018, as a part of research team in Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan), I worked on development of radiation technology to produce polymer hydrogel dressings containing various types of physiologically active substances. The results of this research were published in international Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. Since Septemeber of 2022, I'm working as research assistant for Vesselin Paunov in Nazarbayev University.


  • Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences (2019 - present): Nazarbayev University - Astana, Kazakhstan
  • Foundation Year Program (2018 - 2019): Nazarbayev University - Astana, Kazakhstan
  • Secondary Education Diploma (2007 - 2018): School-gymnasium №60 - Almaty, Kazakhstan


  • Double Dean's list award winner: Spring 2021, Fall 2021
  • Graduated public school-gymnasium with a golden medal (“Altyn Belgi” award) – excellent grades in all subjects, confirmed by final examination
  • Silver prize-winner of International competition of scientific projects “Discovering Scientific World” in space biology and medicine (2018)
  • Bronze prize-winner of Republic competition of scientific projects “Daryn” in applied mathematics (2018)
  • Bronze prize-winner of International competition of mathematics projects named after Zholdazbekov (2018)
  • Golden prize-winner of Republic competition of scientific projects “Daryn” in chemistry (2017)
  • Silver prize-winner of International Olympiad of scientific projects “Constellation” 2017 in chemistry (2017)

Extracurricular activities

  • Co-founder of online international shop of Korean goods and clothes "Moon Garden" (2020-present)
  • Self-taught creator of website for "Moon Garden" online shop (2020-present)
  • Board member and vice-president of Nazarbayev University Dance Club (2018-2020)
  • Winner and participant of multiple international and republic dancing and singing competitions (2007-present)
  • Member of organizing team of Nazarbayev University’s “Dance Cup” competition (2019)
  • Member of Nazarbayev University Contemporary Dance Club (2018-2019)
  • Member of Nazarbayev University Volunteers Club (2018-2019)
  • Self-taught guitar and ukulele player (2016-present)
  • Piano School Graduate (2008-2014)


  • Russian - native speaker
  • English - advanced level
  • Kazakh - intermediate level
  • American Sign Language – elementary level (self-taught)

Research Experience

For my reasearch experience information follow this link.