Research Experience

High School Experience

High School Researcher in Al-Farabi Kazakh National University - Almaty, Kazakhstan (2016-2018)

As a part of research team in team in Al-Farabi Kazakh National University the following experimental work has been done:

  • Development of hydrogel dressings based on poly-N-vinylpyrrolidone (PVP) containing silver nanoparticles, the substance "Alkhydin”, hyaluronic acid
  • Development of radiation-chemical technology for synthesizing the hydrogel dressings.
  • Analysis of the influence of the irradiation dose and PVP content on the degree of swelling of the dressings.
  • Analysis of the cytotoxicity of the “Alkhydin” gel on mouse embryonic fibroblasts.
  • Analysis of the healing effect of the obtained dressings on the model of thermal skin burn.

The results of this research work were published in international Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal.


Photo from Lab Journal, 2017 (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty)


Temirkhanova, G. E., Burasheva, G. S., Abilov, Z. A., Irmukhametova, G. S., Mun, A. G., Beksultanov, Z. I., Myktybayeva, Z. K., & Shnaukshta, V. S. (2017). Creation of polymer hydrogel dressings with herbal medicinal substance "alkhydin" and their properties. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal, 19(1), 57–62.

University Experience

Research Assistant in Nazarbayev University - Astana, Kazakhstan (2022-present)

In September 2022, I started to work in Vesselin Paunov's laboratory on a project relaeted to the bioomprints assay. During this period I have done the following procedures:

  • Culturing MDA-MB 231 cells and HCT cells
  • Analysis of growing cell in 96 well-plates
  • Staining with FDA, DAPI and DCFH-DA

The research is in progress.


General photo of working in the lab, 2022 (Nazarbayev University, Astana)